
A. International Peer-Review Journal Papers

  • ÇEVİK, K.K., CIVILIBAL S., BOZKURT A., DANDIL E., 2024, Enhanced Lesion Classification Based on YOLO Architectures Using Thermal Breast Images on a Patient by Patient Basis, Traitement du Signal, 41(6), 2989-2999. Link
  • DANDIL E., ÇEVİK K.K., BOĞA M., 2024, Automated Classification System Based on YOLO Architecture for Body Condition Score in Dairy Cows, Veterinary Sciences, 11(9), 399. Link
  • KORDEMIR M., ÇEVİK, K.K., BOZKURT A., 2024, A Mask R-CNN approach for detection and classification of brain tumors from MR images, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 11(7), 3024-3034. Link
  • CIVILIBAL S., ÇEVİK, K.K., BOZKURT A., 2023, A deep learning approach for automatic detection, segmentation and classification of breast lesions from thermal images, Expert Systems with Applications, 212(2023), 118774. Link
  • ÇEVİK K.K., KOÇER H.E., BOĞA M., 2022, Deep Learning Based Egg Fertility Detection, Veterinary Sciences, 9(10), 574. Link
  • ÇEVIK K.K., ANDAÇ Ş., 2022, Detection of Standard Plane From Ultrasound Scans by Deep Learning Methods for the Diagnosis Of Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 10(3), 1014-1026. Link
  • ÖNAL N., ÇEVİK K.K., ŞENOL V.,2022, The Effect Of SOS Table Learning Environment On Mobile Learning Tools Acceptance, Motivation And Mobile Learning Attitude in English Language Learning, Interactive Learning Environments, 30(5), 834-847. Link
  • DANDIL E., SELVİ A.O., ÇEVİK K.K., YILDIRIM M.S., UZUN S., 2021, A Hybrid Method Based on Feature Fusion for Breast Cancer Classification using Histopathological Images. European Journal of Science and Technology, 29, 129-137. Link
  • ÇEVIK K.K., 2020, Deep Learning Based Real-Time Body Condition Score Classification System. IEEE Access, 8: 213950-213957. Link
  • ERCAN U., IRMAK S., ÇEVİK K.K., CANBAZOĞLU E., 2020 “Estimating Electricity Consumption Levels in Dwellings Using Artificial Neural Networks”. Sosyoekonomi, 28(46), 173-186. Link
  • BOĞA M., ÇEVİK K.K., ÖNDER H., 2020, Mobile application to obtain minimum cost feed mixes, Turkish Journal Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences, 44(2), 463-468. Link
  • BOĞA M., ÇEVİK K.K., BURGUT A., 2020, Classifying Milk Yield Using Deep Neural Network, Pakistan Journal Of Zoology, 52(4), 1319-1325. Link
  • ÇEVİK K.K., BOĞA M., 2019, Body Condition Score (BCS) Segmentation and Classification in Dairy Cows using R-CNN Deep Learning Architecture. European Journal of Science and Technology(17), 1248-1255. Link
  • BOĞA M., ÇEVİK K.K., KOÇER H.E., BURGUT A., 2019, Computer-Assisted Automatic Egg Fertility Control. Journal of Kafkas University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 25(4), 567-574. Link
  • ÇEVİK K.K, KOÇER H.E., 2017, Computer Aided Control of Cutting Error in Textile Products. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 27(3), 300-308. Link
  • ÇEVİK K.K., KOÇER H. E., 2016, Active Contour Based Developmental Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis with Graf Method. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers, 4, 230-235. Link
  • KOÇER, H.E., ÇEVİK, K.K.,SİVRİ, M., KOPLAY, M., 2016, Measuring the Effect of Filters on Segmentation of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Iranian Journal of Radiology,  13(3), 1-9. Link
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., KOÇER, H.E., ANDAÇ, Ş., 2016, Segmentation of the Ilium and Femur Regions from Ultrasound Images for Diagnosis of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 6(2), 449-457. Link
  • KOCER, H. E., CEVIK K.K., 2011, “Artificial neural networks based vehicle license plate recognition”, Elsevier Procedia Computer Science, Vol.3, pp. 1033-1037. Link

B. International Conference Proceedings Publications

  • UNAL, Y., KOCER, H.E., CEVIK, K.K,KIVRAK, A.S., 2014, “Diagnosis of Spinal Canal Region Diseases Using with Soft Computing Methods”, 9th International Statistics Day Symposium, 10-14 May, Antalya/ TURKEY.
  • BOGA, M., CEVIK, K.K.,KUTLU, H.,R., ONDER, H., 2014, “A mobile device based ration preparation software”, 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science,  25-29 August, Copenhagen/ DENMARK.
  • ÇEVİK, K.K.,KOÇER, H.E., 2016, Developmental Hip Dysplasia segmentation of ultrasound images. 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU), pp. 109 – 112, 16-19 May, Zonguldak, TURKEY.
  • ÇEVİK K.K., BERBER F.S., KÜÇÜKSİLLE E.U., 2018, “Mapping Location of a Suspect by Using Forensic images Taken with Their Own Mobile Phone”, International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE’18), pp.93-96, 26-28 October Konya/TURKEY.
  • KAYAKUŞ M., ÇEVİK K.K., “The Estimation of Luminance Measurements in Road Lighting By Deep Learning Method”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering 2019 (ICAIAME 2019), ANTALYA, TÜRKIYE, , pp.111-112, 20-22 April Antalya/TURKEY.
  • DANDIL E., ÇEVİK K.K., 2019, Computer Vision Based Distance Measurement System using Stereo Camera View. 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), pp. 936-940., 11-13 Oct. 2019, Ankara/TURKEY, Doi: 10.1109/ISMSIT.2019.8932817
  • ÇEVİK K.K, BOĞA M., 2019, Classification of Body Condition Score (BCS) with Deep Learning. Conference on Innovations and Applications in Intelligent Systems (ASYU), pp.1-5, 31 Nov-02 Dec, İzmir/TURKEY.
  • ÇEVİK K.K., DANDIL E., 2019, Classification of Lung Nodules with Convolutional Neural Networks Using CT Images. 2nd International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress, pp. 1-5, 7-10 Nov 2019, Antalya/TURKEY.
  • ÇEVIK K.K., KAYAKUS M., 2020, Estimating The Number of Visitors to E-Commerce Sites in Turkey During Covid-19 Using The Multiple Linear Regression Model. International Conference of Covid-19 (CONCOVID), 12-14 June 2020, Online Presentation.
  • TAŞ S.M., ÇEVIK K.K.,(2020). Solving the Nurse Scheduling Problem Using Genetic Algorithm. International Scientific Researches Association Journal (IBAD), 259-266, 1-2 September 2020, Istanbul/TURKEY.
  • KOÇER H.E., ÇEVIK K.K., 2020, Wrist Print Region Segmentation Based on Deep Neural Networks. International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE 2020), 19-21 November 2020, Konya/TURKEY.
  • DANDIL E., SELVİ A.O., ÇEVİK K.K., YILDIRIM M.S., UZUN S., 2021, A Hybrid Method Based on Feature Fusion for Breast Cancer Classification using Histopathological Images. 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 23-23, 21-23 October 2021, Ankara/TURKEY.
  • ÇEVİK K.K., ANDAÇ Ş., 2021, Diagnosis of Developmental Hip Dysplasia By Detecting The Standard Plane From Real-Time Ultrasound Images Using Deep Learning Technique. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAIAME 2021) , 28-28, 1-3 October 2021, Antalya/TURKEY.
  • ÇEVİK K.K., KOÇER H.E., BOĞA M., TAŞ S.M., 2021, Mask R-CNN Approach for Egg Segmentation and Fertility Egg Classification. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAIAME 2021), 98-98, 1-3 October 2021, Antalya/TURKEY.

C. International Books and Book Chapters

  •          Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering Problems, Chapter name:(Estimating Luminance Measurements in Road Lighting by Deep Learning Method) (2019)., KAYAKUŞ M., ÇEVİK K. K., Springer Nature Publishing Group, Editor. Jude Hemanth, Utku Kose, Pub Number:1, Page Number: 8, ISBN:978-3-030-36177-8.
  • Handbook of Research on Disease Prediction Through Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Chapter name:(Heuristic Approach Performances for Artificial Neural Networks Training) (2021)., ÇEVIK K.K., IGI Global Publications, Editor: Geeta Rani, Pradeep Kumar Tiwari, Pub Number:1, ISBN:978-1-799-82742-9
  • Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Medical Diagnosis, Chapter name:(Detection of Breast Cancer Using Deep Neural Networks with Transfer Learning on Histopathological Images) (2021)., ÇEVIK K.K., DANDIL E.,UZUN S., YILDIRIM M. S., SELVI A. O., Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Editor: Deepak Gupta, Utku Kose, Bao Le Nguyen, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Pub Number:1, ISBN:9783110668322
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., KOÇER, H.E., BOĞA, M., TAŞ, S.M., (2023)., Mask R-CNN Approach for Egg Segmentation and Egg Fertility Classification. In: Smart Applications with Advanced Machine Learning and Human-Centred Problem Design. ICAIAME 2021. Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, vol 1. Springer, Cham.

D. National Peer-Review Journal Papers

  • ÇEVİK, K.K.,ÇAKIR, A., 2011, “Recognizing Vehicle Plates with Image Processing Methods and Realizing Door Control”, AKÜ Journal of Science, Vol 10, No 1., pp 31-38.
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., DANDIL, E., 2012, “Development of a Visual Educational Software on .Net Platform for Artificial Neural Networks”, Gazi University Journal of Information Technologies, Vol 5., No 1., pp 19-28.
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., KOÇER, H.E., 2012, “Mobile Device Based Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning Application”, Selçuk University Technical-Online Magazine, Vol 11., No 2., pp 60-70.
  • ÇEVİK, K.K.,KOÇER, H.E., 2013, “A Flexible Computing Application Based on Artificial Neural Networks Trained with Particle Swarm Optimization”, Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Vol 17., No 2., pp 39-45.
  • ÇEVİK K.K., ÖNAL N., ŞENOL V., 2018, A Mobile Application Design for Teaching English within the Context of “Tenses” SOS Table. Online Academic Journal of Information Technology, 9(32), 74-86.
  • DANDIL E., TURKAN M., BOĞA M., ÇEVİK K.K., 2019, Recognition of Cattle Faces with Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Journal of Science, 6, 177-189.
  • KAYAKUS M., ÇEVIK K.K, 2020, Estimation the Number of Visitor of E-Commerce Website by Artificial Neural Networks During Covid19 in Turkey. Turkish Studies, 15(4), 615-631., Doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.44299
  • ÇEVIK K.K., KAYAKUS M., 2020, Estimation of the Response Time of Users in the Information Technologies Department with Machine Learning. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 8(3), 728-739., Doi: 10.21923/jesd.722323
  • KOÇER H.E., ÇEVIK K.K., 2021, Deep neural networks based wrist print region segmentation and classification. MANAS Journal of Engineering, 9(1), 30-36. Doi: 10.51354/mjen.853971

E. National Conference Proceedings Publications

  • BOĞA, M., ÇEVİK, K.K., 2012, “Combined Feed Preparation Program for Ruminant Animals”, Academic Informatics 2012 – Uşak University, Page 249-256.
  • BOĞA, M., ÇEVİK, K.K., 2013 ”Milk Drinking Program for Farm Animals”, Academic Informatics 2013, 23-25 January 2013, Antalya/TURKEY.
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., BOĞA, M., 2013 ”Web Based Feed Mix Preparation Program”, Central Anatolia Region 1st Agriculture and Food Congress, 02-04 October 2013, Niğde/TURKEY.

F. Publications with Reviews

  • KURU I., KUPELI H., ÇEVİK, K.K., (Under Review), Designing a Common Platform for Testing Deep Learning Models, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design. 
  • ÇEVİK, K.K., (Under Review), Assessing the Impact of Distance Education Contents on Learning Success Using Machine Learning, Journal of Educational Computing Research.
  • KUPELI H., KURU I., ÇEVİK, K.K., BOZKURT A., (Under Review), Angiography-Based Detection of Coronary Artery Stenosis Using YOLO Algorithm, Journal of Electronic Imaging.